Work with Agile City CIC

freelance work on Civic House, Civic Street, and Glue Factory 2020-2022

1 Intro

    Agile City CIC operate two buildings in north Glasgow: Civic House and Glue Factory. Through a series of collaborative interventions, both buildings and their surroundings are continuously developed.
    Some of the projects designed and managed were: logistics of shipping container transport; hard and soft landscaping on Civic Street; project management, coordination of materials storage, works and building use; Glue Factory studio envelopes and fitout; Glue Factory conversion building warrant application; building maintenance; design of desks and kitchen in Civic House coworking space; design and fitout of Sustrans subpartition of Civic House Coworking space; furniture design, detailing, refurbishment, making and finishing; work on RIBA stages 1-3; website contents for (satellite imagery, maps, and illustrations); concrete floor repairs and painting; framing, joinery detailing; sign painting on the front of civic house etc.

2 Civic Street

Yard and Meadow

A vacant and derelict piece of land across the Civic House was taken on a lease from GCC by Agile City. With decking and containers, site enabling works created Civic Street Yard that would host public events, workshops, and public consultation. Meanwhile, the lower site has been established as a biodiverse meadow, featuring habitats for insects and composting area.

Civic Street Public Consultations

Civic Street is a surplus node in car-specific infrastructure of the city, and the proposal was put forward to reimaging the street for pedestrians and cyclists, connecting often disjointed infrastructural network. Materials explaining the site and proposal were published on and the public consultation events were curated and organised by Katie O’Grady

Civic House

Coworking Kitchen

A simple kitchen was designed to be used by two or more people at the same time independently of each other. Basic boxing out was done with studwork and 12mm MR MDF, while the cabinets were made with 18mm birch ply.

Partition wall

New partition wall separates hot desk area from fixed desk, allowing public events to take place in the former. Wall was built using 50x170mm kiln dried Douglas Fir felled in Fife and lined with wood cement boards. Works were carried out in phases and organised around funding cycles and events.

6 Workspace

Workspace was prepared as a separate office for a single organisation, with dedicated storage and meeting room. Off-the shelf galvanised industrial shelving was lined with MDF to create a free standing partition, while the desks were made with birch ply and finished using Douglas Fir plugs. Meeting room was lined with polycarbonate on dressed redwood frame.

Civic House work realised with Rob Morrison, Martyn Kellighan, Aymeric Tarrande, Simon Worthington, George Thompson, Davy Macdonald, Douglas Kennedy, Tom Flockton Meddeman, Hakon Baker, Jay Van Den Hoven, Olivier Jacques Julien

Civic Street Consultation and public programe are led by Katie O’Grady